Sunday, 21 September 2008

ressun no fukushuu ・レッス の ふうしゅう

Konbanwa! I just rememerbered to post this lol

So its a revision of Wednesday's lesson.
We started with the paragraph i had written. I wrote about Ramadan, how we dont eat and drink, how the easiest tasks become hard because we are tired, and how many people become irritated easily. I tried to use grammar from the last lesson, esp. -ku naru.

My mistakes;
  • "tabemono wo tabenakute nomimono wo nomimasen", yoriko-sensei said that although tabenakute is correct its better to use tabenaide, and after nomimono i should've used "mo" not "wo".
  • "onaka ga suita kara yasahii (task) ga muzukashiku narimasu", it should have been "onaka ga suite iru no de kantan na koto ga muzukashiku narimasu".
  • I wont tell you what i wrote when i meant to say, kind people become unkind lol but the translation turned out to mean, kind people become evil lol. the correct is "takusan no hito ga iraira shimasu" A lot of people get irritated.
  • I didnt know how to write celebration so i just wrote party which worked fine, but i learnt that celebration is "o-iwai".
The grammar i learnt was;
-nagara which i already knew but we reviewed it and i found out that it can be used for things that happen within the same period of time but not right now. for example, we use nagara to say, i listen to music while i study/ benkyou shinagara ongaku wo kikimasu. The new one i learnt is, i work part time while i study at university/ arubaito wo shinagara daigaku de benkyou shimasu.

-tari which we had touched on before but went through extensively on Wednesday. You make this form by attaching "ri" to the end of the informal past (tabeta--->tabetari/ oyoida--->oyoidari). Its used when your talking about actions but not mentioning all, when there are others. For example, when mentioning hobbies, naturally you wouldnt mention every single one, so using -tari shows that there are more. The second usage i didnt really understand fully but the paper says--> it indicated that two conditions or actions are interhcnagbly repeated. For example, it rains off and on/ ame ga futtari yandari shite imasu. OR i go back and forth from Oosaka to toukyou by plane/hikouki de toukyou to oosaka wo ittari kitari shimasu.

-"de". I learnt some other uses of "de". I usually use it for stating where something happens (resutoran de tabemashita) or by what means (pen de kaku/densha de iku). I learnt that its used after the quantity for example, zenbu(all)/sanmai (three sheets) de 2000 en desu. However it can't be used if the quantity is only one, if its one you omit it, ichimai 10 en desu. Its also used to limit something (number of people, time period), for example sannin de ikimashita OR (sale) wa ashita de owarimasu. The third usage is when de comes after a noun, to indicate that the noun is the reason the verb happened. For example, kaze de tenisu ga dekimasen (because of (the) cold, he couldnt go to tennis). The last use if when talking about ingredients or how something is made up of differnt things, de is used. For example, kudamono de jyuusu wo tskuru koto ga dekimasu. It doesnt have to be ingredients for food, for example, i made this doll from paper (kami de kono ningyou tsukurimashita). Oh and also using de for "sekai de ichiban (adjective)" kind of thing.

After grammar we did some reasing comprehension. There were little paragraphs with mostly grammar from last class that i had to read and see if i understood them, which i did. I'll write one of them for you fefechan to see if you get it k?

おいしい さかなりょうり を たべたり、 たのしい ダンス を おどったり しません か。 を した こと が あります か。 ダイビング ふじかいがん の うみ は せかい で いちばn きれいでsy。 めずらしい さかな が たくさん います。

fujiaigan= fuji seaside

I also learnt the kanji for 1-10. plus a couple of cultural things and slang :D like aruki tabako, and using zenzen with positives, and using -kata to mean how to ..., e.g. tsukaikata/how to use, kakikata/how to write, tsukurikata/how to make...etc

I guess thats enough, my fingers hurt..

Next class i hope to learn more, coz its ramadan the classes are going slowly but after ramadan i hope we pick up the pace a bit and i may ask for extra lessons instead of just one a week maybe two or something, we'll see how that goes..


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