My blog is on the brink of death, and ive been standing by watching. But today i found myself thinking of resurrecting it, so here i am performing CPR (aka writing up a new post).
So here it goes, the last couple of days as you already know, i started my new and FIRST job (emphasis on FIRST). I'm not used to waking up at 6:15 everyday, driving to work, working 8 hours straight, then driving back home. When i get home im exhausted and all i can think about is going to bed. Thats where the "first" comes in, im sure im going to get used to it, but it is my first time so i don't really have any experience to base that belief on ;) Hopefully, in a weeks time or so, i WILL be able to stay awake past 10 PM lol yeah seriousely, ive been sleeping so early. I'm also hoping that once i adjust to this rythme i will get my life back.
So here it goes, the last couple of days as you already know, i started my new and FIRST job (emphasis on FIRST). I'm not used to waking up at 6:15 everyday, driving to work, working 8 hours straight, then driving back home. When i get home im exhausted and all i can think about is going to bed. Thats where the "first" comes in, im sure im going to get used to it, but it is my first time so i don't really have any experience to base that belief on ;) Hopefully, in a weeks time or so, i WILL be able to stay awake past 10 PM lol yeah seriousely, ive been sleeping so early. I'm also hoping that once i adjust to this rythme i will get my life back.
I'm at work right now, first one on the floor, noone else is here.. so i decided to write before work starts.. I've been put in charge of the Petty Cash and some other cash too, at the moment i have about 50,000 DHS in my drawer here.. (for Cami's sake im providing the equivlant in dollars US$ 14,000), that might not be too much for any other more-seasoned employee but to entrust ME, the NEW employee whose not even a week old is pretty stupid of them, i think..
Thursday is going to be a national holiday so we get a 3 day weekend =) awesome! So tomorrow's the last day of the week.. my mums taking us all, including my older step sister M, out to dinner tomorrow at some new place.. should be fun, i like hanging out with M..
Fefechan, i have something from malaysia for you that i really NEED to give you.. but how can i give it to you..?
I really need to start learning japanese again.. but im gonna start looking for someone who can teach me..
I guess i better go and start looking at all the pending invoices :/ just what you need in the morning..
Marie-san, we NEED to meet! LOL i miss you and your kids..
bai bai
PS im relearning (for the 100th time) katakana in my breaks at work.. why can i never rememeber them.. and why did hiragana just get drilled into my head and i can read them off the top of my head.. but katakana.. argh!
Thank you for the msg on the blog! My kids and I miss you too! We NEED to meet!!
Well, it looks like we decided not to go to Oman but we might go to Fujairah or something(Did you know that there is Japanese Nikko Hotel in Fujairah?? It is called JAL hotel. We might try to stay there.) so I guess I will be busy for next few days but insha Allah we get to meet sometime real soon like next weekend or something!!
Thank you for the msg on the blog! My kids and I miss you too! We NEED to meet!!
Well, it looks like we decided not to go to Oman but we might go to Fujairah or something(Did you know that there is Japanese Nikko Hotel in Fujairah?? It is called JAL hotel. We might try to stay there.) so I guess I will be busy for next few days but insha Allah we get to meet sometime real soon like next weekend or something!!
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