Wednesday, 18 July 2007

Interactive Candy Mosaic

I came across this site in my search for candy photos, you have to see it. Its this mosaic of candy photos, hundereds of little photos, and its interactive,if you click on a photo you get its name and stuff.. Really cool.. must've taken a lot of time to make.. i guess the guy who did it had a lot of time on his hands..

heres a screenshot for those too lazy to open up the page.. (click to enlarge)

I will post more today but i dont want all the entries to be long so i'll do it in a seperate entry. If you are lerking behind there, reading my posts.. please leave a comment and let me know.. if noones reading, thats ok too since the blog is just to kind of serve as a scrapbook/journal thingy..



Cybele said...

The project is kind of two-fold.

I took all the photos and use them for my candy reviews (

KrazyDad created the interactive mosaic using my flickr set of candy photos. (He has some great ones on his site of things like magazine covers and such as well.)

Perhaps I do have too much time on my hands, but I enjoy spending it this way! (I don't find it boring at all, I find candy a great way to connect with all sorts of people from all cultures.)

Ima-chan said...

aha.. so the photos do have a purpose.. i didnt know that..
will check out your blog .. i love anything about candy.. thanx 4 the comment.. will edit the post, i guess ur not bored, u enjoy doing that..
i agree candy is a great way to connect with people from different cultures.. maybe i should put up some reviews of candy we have here..