Not a single post in October got any comments >_< (except yesterdays coz bash had to defend herself lol)
Thursday, 30 October 2008
Books and anime
Ive been into reading lately, the past 2 weeks ive been ignoring my laptop as much as I can and reading. I read a book called “three cups of tea” about a guy called Greg Mortenson whose been building schools in Pakistan for mnay years. Its an interesting book, reading about the bond between him and the Pakistani people and his reflections on the people and islam.. The book wasn’t one of the best ive read but I couldn’t put it down once I started reading, it was inspiring to say the least. I’m now reading another book called “Enemy Combatant” which I start reading very reluctantly. I knew if I started reading it I’ll be ignoring my laptop again, but I started reading it yesterday. Its about an innocent briton’s experience being held captive in Gunatanamo Bay and being released years later with no apoplogy or even an explanation for why he was held and tortured for years. It seems ok so far, I’ll see how it turns out.
When I haven’t been reading, ive been watching an anime Bash recommended called “bokura ga ita”. Its ok but not as good as “lovely complex”.
This weekend im gonna watch the first episode of Ryo’s new drama and hopefully complete watching Code Blue (arigatou fefechan). I’m also supposed to be meeting Reemy-chan and Ghada for lunch but I haven’t heard from Reemy-chan.. On Friday we have people coming over >_<>
I just had a break from work so decided to post. I’m so hungry, should be going with Bash to the mall for lunch in a bit.. New York Fries is the best! I love their fries with all that cheese and sour cream, so fattening and bad for you, but its so yummy!
Ok back to work now..later!
PS everyone on the floor seems to have Facebook open, even the auditor ^^
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Bash says,,
Bash is gonna kill me for wrintin this lol but who cares,,
She says im aggressive in writing, in emails to her or even my blog, shes entitled to her own opinion :D and I don’t mind being called aggressive, I actually think its just that im assertive, which is definitely a good thing in my dictionary, I hate being all wishy washy if you know what that means lol
How can someone be aggressive in writing? Like in my blog, what would be called aggressive? LOL maybe she means when I give my opinions about things straight up with no courtesies and nice talk, could that be it? I really just don’t get how you can be aggressive when you’re not addressing a certain person.. hmmm she gave me something to think about, what could it be.. but she doesn’t realize I took this as a compliment lol..
Enough now, back to work..
Sunday, 26 October 2008
i had an epiphany while having dinner.. actually, thats not true, ive thought of this before but...
Why is it that we think tuna fish sandwiches are normal and ok to eat but if someone offered us any kind of other fish mashed up with mayonnaise and/or ketchup we'd probably think its disgusting and throw it in their faces? I'm not really a big fan of tuna sandwiches, but i do have them every now and then and i think their pretty normal. yet if a chinese or japanese or african person gave you something even milder than that, you'd probably think it was weird and disgusting. I guess its just what your used to and what you grow up around that you consider normal, and everything else is just not normal..
Ok enough about that,,
Yoriko sensei and i had an interesting conversation the other day about accents, japanese accents. I was reading and she noticed something and made me say a couple of words, like hashi for example, I can't even remember how i said but apparently i say it like people from tokyo do and she says it like people from osaka and around there say it.. its hard to explain but one is like HAshi and the other is like haSHI lol you have to hear me say it to see the difference.. oh well..
Ok now im just practicing the 2 new grammar rules i learn last week, since i have a class again tomorrow..
1) nihon de wa iroiro na nihon ryouri wo tabetemitai to omoimasu!
2) buta wo tabete wa ikemasen!
Ok random sentences but nevermind..
I met a new girl today at work. Guess what? shes into dramas, the Japanese language, and Japan! ^_^ sugoku ureshikatta!
shukudai ga aru no de ashita kakimasu yo! Ja mata!
Why is it that we think tuna fish sandwiches are normal and ok to eat but if someone offered us any kind of other fish mashed up with mayonnaise and/or ketchup we'd probably think its disgusting and throw it in their faces? I'm not really a big fan of tuna sandwiches, but i do have them every now and then and i think their pretty normal. yet if a chinese or japanese or african person gave you something even milder than that, you'd probably think it was weird and disgusting. I guess its just what your used to and what you grow up around that you consider normal, and everything else is just not normal..
Ok enough about that,,
Yoriko sensei and i had an interesting conversation the other day about accents, japanese accents. I was reading and she noticed something and made me say a couple of words, like hashi for example, I can't even remember how i said but apparently i say it like people from tokyo do and she says it like people from osaka and around there say it.. its hard to explain but one is like HAshi and the other is like haSHI lol you have to hear me say it to see the difference.. oh well..
Ok now im just practicing the 2 new grammar rules i learn last week, since i have a class again tomorrow..
1) nihon de wa iroiro na nihon ryouri wo tabetemitai to omoimasu!
2) buta wo tabete wa ikemasen!
Ok random sentences but nevermind..
I met a new girl today at work. Guess what? shes into dramas, the Japanese language, and Japan! ^_^ sugoku ureshikatta!
shukudai ga aru no de ashita kakimasu yo! Ja mata!
Friday, 24 October 2008
gomen ne.. ive been neglecting my blog.. ive just been to tired after work to even think about writing a post.. but i'd like to get back into the swing of things again.. i'll just write short snippets about a couple of things..
My sis & Ali : just realized i never mentioned that they went back home, in DXB. That was 2 weeks ago, i miss Ali so much, so we're going to dxb tomorrow to visit. although it wont be enough..
Macbook Air: proving to be harder than i thought but thats only coz i wont sit down and read the tutorials. I really dont know how to use it.. so out of laziness i open my other laptop and use them side by side. demo i really need to read how to do some basic stuff that i dont know how to do on a mac.
Japanese classes: im gonna stop writing the reviews coz its just getting to the point where im learning too much and its too tiring to write about and explain. fefechan, hope you dont mind.. i dont think uve been readin the others anyways lol so you wont mind. The classes are going pretty good and ive been learning some grammar on my own, i just need to practice..
Work: im still not 100% sure this is how its gonna go but im 99% sure lol.. i like my job now, its just too much work with the other A/P person on leave for so long, its just taken its toll on me and made me hate having to work so hard.. and the number of annual leave days allowed leaves much to be desired.. SO im looking for other jobs, better ones with more holiday (thats my main criteria) and ive actually found one but still looking.. i PLAN to give in my 1 month's notice at the end of november, that way i'll stop working by the end of december.. take time off to go to japan, come back and start applying for jobs.. i think if i dont find a job (highly unlikely it seems) then i will be perfectly happy just staying at home and startin my own business or somethin.. So thats the plan, we'll see how it goes..
Japan: i think we'll be booking our flights once im sure about what im doing, so in a week or two.. plan to have a blast this time, and if my sis goes it will be great.. also hoping mari-san will still be in tokyo by then..
Mari-san, im thinkin this time we could get suica or pasmo cards instead of JR coz i dont think we really got its value out of it last time. what do you think?
Nana: my granma left on monday. missing her already.
Piper: after havin him for 4 or maybe 5 years, we had to give him away. my mum was getting sick because of him, constatly cough, really bad coughs, so hes gone :( i didnt really spend much time with him but i miss his presense.
What else to talk about? not much else i guess.. i'll update again soon..
Ja mata!
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
kinou no class
I had a japanese class yesterday, so im gonna post about it while its still fresh in my brain :D
The paragraph i wrote for the class was about Japan, what i did last year and stuff like that. Yoriko-sensei said it was the best ive written so far ^^ i didnt have any mistakes although i thought i would. Except she gave me some better alternatives to one sentence i wrote which is "sono shashin (i talked about some photos before) wo miru to "nihon ni ikitai" to omoimasu". Yoriko-sensei suggested, 'nihon ni ikitaku narimasu', as it might sound better, although she said my senetence was perfectly fine.
On to kanji, i didnt learn any new kanji since last class, only learnt to recognize them, they were 豚buta, 酒sake, 牛gyuu, 肉niku, 卵tamago, 円yen, and 魚sakana.
Grammar! i learnt how to use "no desu"/"n desu". Apparently its used for asking or stating a condition. e.g. if someone seems sick you can use it when asking, and they can use it when stating how they are feeling. example,
Person A: どうしたんですか。
Person B: は が いたいんです。
It is also used when asking for more detail, or stating something in more detail. Example,
Person A: にちようび に いっしょに つり に いきません か。
Person B: どこ へ いくんです か。
Person A: ふじさん の ちかく の みずうみ です。
Another usage which yoriko-sensei taught me before is using it when making a request,invitation or asking for information. Examples,
1)すみません、つかいかた が わからないんです。おしえて ください。
2)あした、ともだち と かいもの い いくんですが、いっしょに いきませんか。
I'm tired im gonna finish this tomorrow lol
じゃあ、また あした!
MacBook Air
I finally got a new laptop!
Although i still think the MacAir is not practical, not having a CD/DVD player, i'd already fallen in love, so i just bought it.. and bought a separate CD/DVD player. I must say i was super impressed by the packaging, it seemed like they had payed attention to every little thing while designing the packaging and everything.. I'm also super impressed by the mac, it starts almost instantly, i press the button and the screen appears within 5 seconds or something, compared to my other laptop >_< theres just no comparison..
I got a purple cover, i sooo wanted a green one but they didn't have any for the MacAir just for the other macs.. i might have to get one online, the purple is OK but i just love green ..
Although i still think the MacAir is not practical, not having a CD/DVD player, i'd already fallen in love, so i just bought it.. and bought a separate CD/DVD player. I must say i was super impressed by the packaging, it seemed like they had payed attention to every little thing while designing the packaging and everything.. I'm also super impressed by the mac, it starts almost instantly, i press the button and the screen appears within 5 seconds or something, compared to my other laptop >_< theres just no comparison..
I got a purple cover, i sooo wanted a green one but they didn't have any for the MacAir just for the other macs.. i might have to get one online, the purple is OK but i just love green ..
Friday, 10 October 2008
everything from eid to now
(i know ali should be written in katakana but i like hiragana, what can i do!)
I've been procrastinating and kept putting this off but i better update i guess coz im getting way behind..
Minna genki? I hope so..
I've been really distracted with having little Ali in the house plus his great grandmother.. i love spending time with Ali even if hes sleeping i just like to be next to him or hold him hehe.. and my granma's been keeping me busy telling me stories, about her life, movies shes seen, my cousins, basically EVERYTHING! the thing is, i dearly love her and want to listen to her stories, but she talks for soo many hours without feeling and sometimes its a story she already told me but i have to pretend like i havnt heard it before.. So i havnt even been turning my laptop on.. just sitting with her till im tired and then go to bed REALLY early..
Work is getting exhausting! Without my collegue whose on leave now, its really too much, and im not sure anymore if i can manage it on my own.. at work sometimes i just feel like breaking down and crying.. this week ive been going to work EXTRA early and leaving later than i usually do, but still here sooo much to do.. when i noticed yesterday that i was the only one left on the whole floor i almost cried from frustration! I really want her to come back, my colleges.. She did the job on her own before but thats because it was less work, this summer, the ministry of education with all its 3 zones have become under the place where i work, so its almost a 200% increase in the workload.. i think even on us two it would be a bit of a tight fit, but just one is definitely not working.. im afraid im getting behind, and i can't help it, coz all my work depends on others, getting signatures, getting budgets set, getting delivery notes and confirmations, and such which if other poeple dont do quickly then everything starts piling on.. oh well, i hope it gets better.. you to fefechan, i hope it gets better, i know your struggling more than me but i hope you figure out what you want to do about it..
My older step-sister might come to Japan with me and brother! we're not sure yet, waiting for her husband, he said hes thinking about it, but i hope she does come, it would be so much more fun!
Minna genki? I hope so..
I've been really distracted with having little Ali in the house plus his great grandmother.. i love spending time with Ali even if hes sleeping i just like to be next to him or hold him hehe.. and my granma's been keeping me busy telling me stories, about her life, movies shes seen, my cousins, basically EVERYTHING! the thing is, i dearly love her and want to listen to her stories, but she talks for soo many hours without feeling and sometimes its a story she already told me but i have to pretend like i havnt heard it before.. So i havnt even been turning my laptop on.. just sitting with her till im tired and then go to bed REALLY early..
Work is getting exhausting! Without my collegue whose on leave now, its really too much, and im not sure anymore if i can manage it on my own.. at work sometimes i just feel like breaking down and crying.. this week ive been going to work EXTRA early and leaving later than i usually do, but still here sooo much to do.. when i noticed yesterday that i was the only one left on the whole floor i almost cried from frustration! I really want her to come back, my colleges.. She did the job on her own before but thats because it was less work, this summer, the ministry of education with all its 3 zones have become under the place where i work, so its almost a 200% increase in the workload.. i think even on us two it would be a bit of a tight fit, but just one is definitely not working.. im afraid im getting behind, and i can't help it, coz all my work depends on others, getting signatures, getting budgets set, getting delivery notes and confirmations, and such which if other poeple dont do quickly then everything starts piling on.. oh well, i hope it gets better.. you to fefechan, i hope it gets better, i know your struggling more than me but i hope you figure out what you want to do about it..
My older step-sister might come to Japan with me and brother! we're not sure yet, waiting for her husband, he said hes thinking about it, but i hope she does come, it would be so much more fun!
Oh forgot to write about eid. Well it wasnt our typical eid since my sis and her baby were in the hospital a day before and on the first day of eid, he was jaundiced so he had to stay under the light.. so we only went to my step sister's house and then my uncles house (some of my aunts went there so we saw them), but other than that we didnt go to my other aunts or Al Ain which we usually do.. Dressing up for eid was fun though..
My japanese classes have now moved to Monday since my sensei has piano lessons every other day of the week.. but shes going to Japan soon for holiday.. anyways, im goin to post the lesson for you fefechan if i get a chance today..
Other than that, theres not much to say.. i have homework to do, and then im gonna glue myself to youtube.. so bai bai
PS Reemy-chan, i miss you soooo much, if you're still reading my blog, please leave a comment.. we really should meet soon..
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