Sitting at work with practically nothing to do, on Wednesday me & my collegue in the Accounts Payable section worked hard and finished everything thats pending. So on Thursday we were free almost all day.. I had a japanese exam with yoriko-sensei that day so i sat & tried to study (ended up studying the lesson that are NOT included by mistake). Today too were almost free, i handle the petty cash & receiving invoices so a couple of people have come to me but other than that, its pretty quite here. My direct mentor/senpai didnt come to work today so i dont have to look like im working.. so im pretty bored.. i think im going to study some japanese..
Tomorrow's ramadan i guess, so im going out for lunch with Bash & 2 other girls. Cami, you must've heard of ramadan but maybe you dont know what it is. Anyways, its a month where we have to fast in the day (from sunrise to sunset), we dont eat or drink anything, and after sunset we can eat. Its to teach us humilty and so we know what the poor people who dont have food feel like. Its a really great month and at the end of it we have Eid which is kinda like christmas to us. We all celebrate & get money from our paernts lol and stuff.. People kinda abuse ramadan, they use it as a month to OVEREAT and OVERSLEEP in the day and STAY UP TOO LATE at night.. anyways its a really nice time of the year when we get to do more good thinks and think about other people.
The end of this month, Septmeber, is going to be so busy with my sis hopefully giving birth, and my grandma coming over for that, plus all the eid celebrations..
Anyways im probably going to blog later.. bai bai
Sunday, 31 August 2008
Bored at work
Saturday, 30 August 2008
Last week's japanese lesson
- I had written in the whole paragraph, mina-san instead of minna, i thought that was the polite way to say everyone, but she told me it is only said like that in speech, if you are talking to or about everyone you can say mina-san but when you write you should use minna.
- I had written "mina-san ga oishii hirugohan wo tabemashita". She said i must use "de" instead of "ga" if im included in the poeple who ate. So its like "i ate with everyone", if you use ga, it seems like you are not included.
- i wrote "kodomotachi ga zenbu suki deshita", she said that implies that ONLY the kids liked the food, i should use "mo" so it means the kids like it also.
- She said you cant use "sorekara" at the end of a paragraph, i had it at the beginning of the last sentence. She said it implies there more sentences coming after this one. "Soshite" would have been more appropriate but sorekara can be used in other sentences at the beginning.
She also gave me this envelope which she uses with her piano students (she gives private piano lessons), she said they use it in japan. I'm posting a pic, its to put the "ressun dai" lesson fee in, and it has the months and stuff.. Its a good idea, i thought.
nothing new
and still no sign of my salary.. but nevermind..
One good thing that happened is that my bro got me a new phone, a flip phone! Ive always wanted one but he always said they're no good and stuff, then he called me up yesterday saying hes at the phone shop and which phone did i want, i said i dont want one, but in the end i just said a flip phone, so he got me the latest Sony Ericsson flip phone, and im ecstatic.. i dont know why ive always loved flip phones, except that most japanese people have them lol
So im sooo bored right now, i got out my stash of magazines that i used to always get in england, they're 6 years old now lol but i decided to look through them.. got bored of that, decided to put on a mask (then went a scared our poor maid, its bright green), i guess i better go wash it off now..
Hoping i can find something to do before i go mad! fefechan, recommed an anime will you, you dont want me to go mad do you?
Anyways, bbye for now
Tuesday, 26 August 2008
at work
I just came from my lunch break, my mum was in town so she bought McDonalds and we both went over to my baby’s house and had lunch with her and her mum. We had a nice chat, all her other kids weren’t there so it was nice and quite. Then I sped over here, and then I was in the left coming up (to the 11th floor) and the lift stopped on the 4th (where Bash is) and the 4th floor officeboy got in, and I thought it was my floor so I got out and the guy kept telling me that Bash is not there, and I didn’t know why he was saying that lol coz I was listening to A on the phone, went in and started walking, and realized what the guy was going on about, so I laughed at myself and went up, as soon as I got out of the lift he was there fraternizing with our officeboy and he saw me and laughed lol.. oh well..
I found an old CD in one of my drawers at home yesterday and it said eigo + nihongo so I took it to see what it was. Turned it on in the morning on the way over, its full of arashi songs.. its seriously old, I haven’t listened to any arashi songs in at least a year and a half..
The invoices are calling.. better get workin.. bai bai
Saturday, 23 August 2008
fun day
Just checked the last post before i started to write this and noticed that this post is going to be very similar. We had marie and my baby's family over again today too. Marie is going to Japan on the 16th of September as her husband's going to do his masters there, so were going to try to see her more before she goes.
On Thursday i went for my first japanese class with Yoriko-san. Shes a really nice friend of marie's and is going to start tutoring me. We kind of just hung out so she could see what my level was.. Which meant that she wanted me to actually speak (well DUH!).. i never speak japanese around marie, too embarrassed.. but i managed to speak with Yoriko-san, somehow we ended up discussing my favourite haiyuu (celebrity? actor?) and japanese doramas, in Japanese.. It went pretty well. I have another class on Monday, she will be giving me a written and oral exam XD that should be fun lol.. and she gave me homework, to write a paragraph about anything i want. I better write it today but i really dont know what to write about.. its going to be hard.. Anyways, im hoping i will really improve a bit before January..
I'm sad about marie leaving :( but hopefully i'll get to visit her in January.. her daughter was killing us all with her cuteness today (mashallah) kawaisugi..
This week should be fun.. my collegue who works in the Accounts Payable with me is coming bavck from holiday tomorrow, so i'll hopefully have less work! yay! plus, i'll finally get paid, its the last week of the month, so maybe this week or on the weekend maybe.. hopefully before next sunday so i can get to spend some of it.. lol..
Miss you fefechan, hope you enjoyed your holiday.. atleast one of your dreams came true, you go to see Giggs playing! hope one of my dreams would come true..
Off to do my homework! bai bai
Saturday, 16 August 2008
Konnichiwa! minna genki?
My baby and her family as well as marie (can i drop the -san ;) ) and her two little angels came over for lunch. We had a good time and got to see pix of Japan. Now i just feel like i want to go right now.. can't wait to go.. marie told me that her friend might be interested in teaching me japanese, so i hope i can arrange for something. i want to learn as much as i can before i go back..
Arigatou for the gifts marie, i really liked them ^__^ and come visit us soon. your baby is sooo unbelievably cute (mashallah).. oh and little prince charming had a fun time with two little girls chasing after him and wanting him to play with them lol hes quite popular with the girls isnt he..
Fefechan, i know your probably not reading this, but i really hope your trip gets better.. im sorry its not that good..
im enjoying whats left of my weekend, and dreading tomorrow.. work..argh!
bai bai for now
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Chippokena yuuki.. a little bit of courage..
I've been on a diet for a week now, ive lost 3 kilos already. I want to keep going.. i really need to lose weight coz i really hate myself like this. no matter how many people tell me im not fat, i'll still think i am.. my goal weight is way too low so i may never reach it.. but we'll see..
I realized something, after i come from my break at work (from 1-2), i just can't bring myself to do ANY work.. i organize papers and stuff instead of working.. i just can't! maybe its better if i don't take a break.. Today i couldn't do anything but i didnt want anyone to know im not working so i kept stapling all the paper that i had for recycling lol pretending to be working by making some noise..
I didn't get to exercise today coz i had to sit with dad & everyone, i feel really guilty, ive come to look forward to it.. it really does make you feel refreshed and all hyper!
You know all i said about my first salary.. they didnt put anything into my account :[ maybe they'll add the days from july to this month's salary.. they better do! i didnt work my *** off for nothing.. half a month left.. aaah zannen desu ne..
Fefechan, you know when pi's been talking about wanting to learn english and be better at it and whatnot, doesnt that make you feel like you want to get better at japanese..? it motivates me.. too bad i dont have the time at the mo.. i took one of my japanese books and left it at work incase i have any free time.. my senpai saw it and told me, "your really serious about learning japanese arent you?" like hell i am! i just need a teacher.. marie-san's coming over on friday if she can, i'll ask her if she knows anyone who'd be willing to teach me.. i'll pay them millions, just teach me!
Oh, i almost forgot, chippokena yuuki is one of FUNKY MONKEY BABYS' songs, its a nice song but the lyrics are really good too.. about being stronger and stuff.. anyways, akiramenai! akirametakunai! i want to be stronger..
Saturday, 9 August 2008
JERO & lazing around
You all know JERO yeah? i mean if your into Japan and stuff you probably do. If you dont know him hes an african american guy (1/4 japanese) whose just debuted a few months ago.. the interesting thing about him is that hes an enka singer. I thought that would be totally weird so never checked him out but i came upon one of his videos on youtube and really liked the song.. hes really good.. its called umiyuki (ocean snow?), check it out..
Other than that, i really don't have much to say.. my dads been away for a while.. hes coming back today.. and im just lazing around coz I CAN lol the weekend is such a respite.. On Sunday the our department's head is coming back.. so i guess we'll have extra work.. but never mind.. we will manage..
Oh and fefechans been exercising everyday (i think) which is making me feel guilty.. so ive just dragged the elliptical trainer into my bedroom and going to try to start exercising after work..if ive got enough energy left in me by then..
bai bai
PS im not posting any pix coz someone borrowed my cam, so when its back i should be posting pix n stuff..
Tuesday, 5 August 2008
kyou mo isogashisugi datta! Is it ever going to calm down? yappari shigoto wa taihen da! demo itsumo ganbaru yo! ^___^
yesterday and today have been really crappy days so im glad its been really busy at work even though i get home so exhausted!
Today they let me print cheques for the first time, i got to print all the cheques that are above 1 million.. so yeah, i guess they're starting to trust me with these kinds of things..
Fefechan, im sure you know where Pi has been lately? are you jealous? your favourite place.. aaah umi ga ikitai n da! hontou ni ikitaaaaaaaaai!
If any of you guys know how to get music off the net, help me please. I'm looking for songs by LUV AND SOUL. I heard 2 songs and im addicted, but i can't find others..
I'm finally going to get my ATM card tomorrow so i can go spend my hard earned money! YAY! no seriousely, ive had a savings account since like forever, so my bro was the one who opened it for me coz i was too young and when i went to the bank to get a card they told me the account is in my name but hes the only one who can apply for a card and stuff.. so that sucked! i told him to go apply for a card and next weekend we will go to the bank and change it over to me (so he can't steal my money ;) JK).
So its been more than a week since i got my salary and i still havent seen a dime! I've already planned what im doing with every single fils (thats the equivalant of a cent, Cami), but im not spending any on me.. just the things i need like for my mobile and petrol and stuff.. the rest is going to 100 other things/places.. i'm actually feeling sorry for myself already lol but my conscious wont let me use it on myself.. anyways..
The office boy is trained now, everyday at 2 oclock he brings me my ice cold pocari sweat.. yumm.. so refreshing.. but poeple are always commenting on it.. i guess the name doesn't help its reputation now does it? oh well.. i really miss calpis.. i drank it so many times a day in Japan and got used to it, im craving it now.. but a trip to Abela's seems too much.. its SO out of my way.. i guess i'll go this weekend..
I feel like watching anime! wow, did i really say (type) that! ive never liked anime and apart from Ghibli movies i havnt seen much.. but somehow, i now feel like watching something.. i'll go look for something..
Mata ne!