So here it goes, the last couple of days as you already know, i started my new and FIRST job (emphasis on FIRST). I'm not used to waking up at 6:15 everyday, driving to work, working 8 hours straight, then driving back home. When i get home im exhausted and all i can think about is going to bed. Thats where the "first" comes in, im sure im going to get used to it, but it is my first time so i don't really have any experience to base that belief on ;) Hopefully, in a weeks time or so, i WILL be able to stay awake past 10 PM lol yeah seriousely, ive been sleeping so early. I'm also hoping that once i adjust to this rythme i will get my life back.
Saturday, 26 July 2008
Performing CPR
My blog is on the brink of death, and ive been standing by watching. But today i found myself thinking of resurrecting it, so here i am performing CPR (aka writing up a new post).
So here it goes, the last couple of days as you already know, i started my new and FIRST job (emphasis on FIRST). I'm not used to waking up at 6:15 everyday, driving to work, working 8 hours straight, then driving back home. When i get home im exhausted and all i can think about is going to bed. Thats where the "first" comes in, im sure im going to get used to it, but it is my first time so i don't really have any experience to base that belief on ;) Hopefully, in a weeks time or so, i WILL be able to stay awake past 10 PM lol yeah seriousely, ive been sleeping so early. I'm also hoping that once i adjust to this rythme i will get my life back.
So here it goes, the last couple of days as you already know, i started my new and FIRST job (emphasis on FIRST). I'm not used to waking up at 6:15 everyday, driving to work, working 8 hours straight, then driving back home. When i get home im exhausted and all i can think about is going to bed. Thats where the "first" comes in, im sure im going to get used to it, but it is my first time so i don't really have any experience to base that belief on ;) Hopefully, in a weeks time or so, i WILL be able to stay awake past 10 PM lol yeah seriousely, ive been sleeping so early. I'm also hoping that once i adjust to this rythme i will get my life back.
I'm at work right now, first one on the floor, noone else is here.. so i decided to write before work starts.. I've been put in charge of the Petty Cash and some other cash too, at the moment i have about 50,000 DHS in my drawer here.. (for Cami's sake im providing the equivlant in dollars US$ 14,000), that might not be too much for any other more-seasoned employee but to entrust ME, the NEW employee whose not even a week old is pretty stupid of them, i think..
Thursday is going to be a national holiday so we get a 3 day weekend =) awesome! So tomorrow's the last day of the week.. my mums taking us all, including my older step sister M, out to dinner tomorrow at some new place.. should be fun, i like hanging out with M..
Fefechan, i have something from malaysia for you that i really NEED to give you.. but how can i give it to you..?
I really need to start learning japanese again.. but im gonna start looking for someone who can teach me..
I guess i better go and start looking at all the pending invoices :/ just what you need in the morning..
Marie-san, we NEED to meet! LOL i miss you and your kids..
bai bai
PS im relearning (for the 100th time) katakana in my breaks at work.. why can i never rememeber them.. and why did hiragana just get drilled into my head and i can read them off the top of my head.. but katakana.. argh!
Saturday, 19 July 2008
One year anniversary and my birthday
The day before yesterday was my birthday =) i turned 22, so old ne! what can i do.. its no use dwelling over it.. and yesterday the 18th (actually earlier today, its half past midnight now) was my blog's 1 year anniversary.. i started the blog to keep track of what ive been up to, and it has worked.. although i don't record everything.. i can look back and see what happened since last July.. i think the 2 major things that happened in the past year were, me going to Japan for the first time and graduating from university. Other than that i guess its been an extremely busy year but not very interesting ne.. the 21 year old me got to visit 4 countries in that year.. lets see how many countries the 22 year old me can visit..? although other than Japan, theres not many countries i'd like to visit.. anyways, i'll continue with my blog for as long as i can (ganbarimasu!).. hopefully it will pass its 2nd anniversary.. To all of you who have ever read my blog, hontouni arigatou gozaimashita.. and throughout the next year of my life, yoroshiku onegaishimasu!
So what do i want for my next birthday.. i want to be able to speak and write japanese pretty well, to meet a japanese celebrity (lol in my dreams), to visit Japan again, to start my own business (im serious, dont laugh), to do my best at my job, to become a better person, to hold on to my friends, and to be happier..
So what have i been doing in the days since i came back.. well, ive been catching up on yamapi,koyama, and shige's nikkis, blogs i visit, and doramas.. went to give blood yesterday, visited with some people.. oh and got a birthday/graduation gift from bash (arigatou ^^ ).. Today my sisters and i went over to my cousins' house and 2 other cousins came over, we had fun fooling around and just chatting.. we didnt do anything special but it was fun.. totemo tanoshikatta!
I'd like to meet marie-san before i start work (on the 22nd), fefechan too but that might be hard.. maybe we can meet on sunday marie-san? i will text you (at a reasonable time) since i dont think you will appreciate a message at this time lol i'd love to see you and your little angels..
Bai Bai (i have to finish Code Blue ep 2 so i can catch some ZZZs)
PS i learnt a new word, watagashi, it means candyfloss =)
The day before yesterday was my birthday =) i turned 22, so old ne! what can i do.. its no use dwelling over it.. and yesterday the 18th (actually earlier today, its half past midnight now) was my blog's 1 year anniversary.. i started the blog to keep track of what ive been up to, and it has worked.. although i don't record everything.. i can look back and see what happened since last July.. i think the 2 major things that happened in the past year were, me going to Japan for the first time and graduating from university. Other than that i guess its been an extremely busy year but not very interesting ne.. the 21 year old me got to visit 4 countries in that year.. lets see how many countries the 22 year old me can visit..? although other than Japan, theres not many countries i'd like to visit.. anyways, i'll continue with my blog for as long as i can (ganbarimasu!).. hopefully it will pass its 2nd anniversary.. To all of you who have ever read my blog, hontouni arigatou gozaimashita.. and throughout the next year of my life, yoroshiku onegaishimasu!
So what do i want for my next birthday.. i want to be able to speak and write japanese pretty well, to meet a japanese celebrity (lol in my dreams), to visit Japan again, to start my own business (im serious, dont laugh), to do my best at my job, to become a better person, to hold on to my friends, and to be happier..
So what have i been doing in the days since i came back.. well, ive been catching up on yamapi,koyama, and shige's nikkis, blogs i visit, and doramas.. went to give blood yesterday, visited with some people.. oh and got a birthday/graduation gift from bash (arigatou ^^ ).. Today my sisters and i went over to my cousins' house and 2 other cousins came over, we had fun fooling around and just chatting.. we didnt do anything special but it was fun.. totemo tanoshikatta!
I'd like to meet marie-san before i start work (on the 22nd), fefechan too but that might be hard.. maybe we can meet on sunday marie-san? i will text you (at a reasonable time) since i dont think you will appreciate a message at this time lol i'd love to see you and your little angels..
Bai Bai (i have to finish Code Blue ep 2 so i can catch some ZZZs)
PS i learnt a new word, watagashi, it means candyfloss =)
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
Home Sweet Home
Ohayou! Good morning!
We're back home! im glad to be back.. so happy that i got up at 5:30 today! when we got home last night i went to sleep straight away even though it was 10:30 here, but it would've been 2:30 or so in malaysia so i was tired!
I don't feel like blogging right now but i just wanted to say what i thought of my holiday.
Sri Lanka: i'd love to go back, great for relaxing and just wonderful sceneries (except we should've brought sunblock and mosquito spray with us but we forgot). Got bitten by mosquitos but it wasnt that bad, everything else made up for it.. i got so much darker from swimming everyday for so many hours and for spending a lot of time on that lounger under the coconut trees.. Saw lots of animals, elephants, monkeys (in our garden), an iguana (in our garden too), crabs, fish, cows, dogs, everything! I managed to avoid turtles although the cook kept insisting that we go to the turtle sanctuary.. we never did.. i rode bikes in the countryside, stopping by little shops to get a cool drink and meeting friendly people.. i'd give sri lanka an 8.5/10 :)
Malaysia: i don't think i'd like to go back.. since we had done all the nature stuff in sri lanka, all we wanted to do was shopping.. and thats exactely what we did.. we went shopping everyday, and went to theme parks twice (one shut down all the rides coz of rain, the other was way too hot to play on anything or even walk around).. i'd say malaysia didnt feel like anything special.. even shopping, they have almost the same shops we have here, or the differnt ones are tacky shops that we didnt want to shop from.. i dont think the shopping was worth it.. i enjoyed it but i wont go back, i'd rather go to another country.. the food was the best thing in malaysia.. and im not talking about malaysian food, what i mean is the variety of food they have in malls.. i mainly ate japanese food but i did try malaysian too.. malaysia would be a 5/10 on my scale. maybe if we'd done more than just shopping we would've liked it but we didn't..
We didnt go to thailand since my brothers and sisters were fed up and just wanted to come back home, its a shame, i would've liked to go but i was tired or travelling too..
Overall, ive learnt a lesson.. traveling with the whole family is damn hard! my time with my bro in japan doesn't seem so bad now.. we had fun times but we (me and Sh and H) ended up fighting a lot.. and unfortunately we were always put in the same room so that didn't help either..
Anyways, hopefully next time i get on a plane will be to go to Japan..
We're back home! im glad to be back.. so happy that i got up at 5:30 today! when we got home last night i went to sleep straight away even though it was 10:30 here, but it would've been 2:30 or so in malaysia so i was tired!
I don't feel like blogging right now but i just wanted to say what i thought of my holiday.
Sri Lanka: i'd love to go back, great for relaxing and just wonderful sceneries (except we should've brought sunblock and mosquito spray with us but we forgot). Got bitten by mosquitos but it wasnt that bad, everything else made up for it.. i got so much darker from swimming everyday for so many hours and for spending a lot of time on that lounger under the coconut trees.. Saw lots of animals, elephants, monkeys (in our garden), an iguana (in our garden too), crabs, fish, cows, dogs, everything! I managed to avoid turtles although the cook kept insisting that we go to the turtle sanctuary.. we never did.. i rode bikes in the countryside, stopping by little shops to get a cool drink and meeting friendly people.. i'd give sri lanka an 8.5/10 :)
Malaysia: i don't think i'd like to go back.. since we had done all the nature stuff in sri lanka, all we wanted to do was shopping.. and thats exactely what we did.. we went shopping everyday, and went to theme parks twice (one shut down all the rides coz of rain, the other was way too hot to play on anything or even walk around).. i'd say malaysia didnt feel like anything special.. even shopping, they have almost the same shops we have here, or the differnt ones are tacky shops that we didnt want to shop from.. i dont think the shopping was worth it.. i enjoyed it but i wont go back, i'd rather go to another country.. the food was the best thing in malaysia.. and im not talking about malaysian food, what i mean is the variety of food they have in malls.. i mainly ate japanese food but i did try malaysian too.. malaysia would be a 5/10 on my scale. maybe if we'd done more than just shopping we would've liked it but we didn't..
We didnt go to thailand since my brothers and sisters were fed up and just wanted to come back home, its a shame, i would've liked to go but i was tired or travelling too..
Overall, ive learnt a lesson.. traveling with the whole family is damn hard! my time with my bro in japan doesn't seem so bad now.. we had fun times but we (me and Sh and H) ended up fighting a lot.. and unfortunately we were always put in the same room so that didn't help either..
Anyways, hopefully next time i get on a plane will be to go to Japan..
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
Pix from Sri Lanka
Yes you read that right, lol.. i said malaysia and thailand but somehow we ended up spending 10 days in sri lanka.. my dad said it looked nice and we could rent a villa with a lake or beach view and just relax before heading to malaysia.. we enjoyed it so much that we exteneded our stay and stayed 10 days and even my uncle and his family joined us there.. We just arrived in malaysia yesterday.. so anyways, here are pics from Sri Lanka, im sure going to miss it.. i really enjoyed it there.. hoping to go back next summer..
The only thing good about leaving sri lanka is not having to worry about mosquito bites.. we got bitten often coz we never found mosquito repellent spray there.. we should've bought it in the UAE.
Anyways, i'll say more about it and post more pix when im back or maybe later..hope everyones doing
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